Ban cigarette they are bad,bad,bad! Don't ban them everywhere, just ban them in places that sell prescription drugs. Why you ask? Because the mayor could get some press, yes Mayor Press Conference got to expound on the evils of smoking, Wow, what a revelation!
Mayor Master of the Obvious had a chance to strike a blow in the war against smoking! Yes, he and the idiot council wasted time on a selective ban on cigarettes, while the city is a breath away from receivership. Way to go pin heads! Talk about useless political feel good bull s###, ban cigarettes because they are near prescription drugs, how symbolic, how profound. Yes good verses evil, lung cancer verses marathon running!
Have any one of you ever considered how many people die every year from reactions to prescription medicines? Have any one of you ever considered that they sell junk food and nuts in addition to cigarettes? Why don't you just ban everything except medications? Let's make Drug stores truly "Drug" stores, great idea! We can destroy those businesses, then we can move on to fast food chains and supermarkets! Let's ban them all! Let's make Fall River the City of Tofu and Turkey Burgers!
Talk about feel good pandering political crap! What did we accomplish with this ban? Will it stop a smoker from buying cigarettes? Will it reduce smoking in our city? The answer is a big fat NO!!! All it did was make a smoker go to the next closest store, and hurt business at the banned stores. Maybe our mayor and council have not grasped the marketing concept of attracting customers to your business.
You know, the concept that created malls, large anchor stores that attract customers and the surrounding stores will get consumer traffic. You know, the "Sale" that brings customers in to buy the sale item with the hope that will create the opportunity for other items to be sold.
Wait, YOU DON'T KNOW!! That's why we are in the mess we are in!! Our mayor is busy banning cigarettes while the taxes don't get collected on time, pay raises are being thrown around like we live in Newton or Wellesly, and the unemployment rate is as high as the space shuttle.
Why can't we attract business to Fall River? Let's see, if you were a business would you come to a city that has a budget that will insure it's tax rate goes up for a very long time? A city with uncontrolled spending and no plan? A city with a failing educational system? A city with a mayor that spends his time being the health and food ban police rather than being it's leader? I think not!
Yes tax payers, we have "A BURNING QUESTION" before us! Will we let our city GO UP IN SMOKE or will we the tax payers create our own ban?Let's BAN anyone who wastes time on cigarette bans and lazy cake bans!
Jobs, Budget, Tax Rate, Sewer Fee, these are the items I want to see before the city council. These are the things I want to see a press conference about. I want a plan and I want priorities!!
Wee Willy got his chance, he made promises he did not keep. We don't need a mayor who doesn't know that when the ship is sinking there is no time for smoke and mirrors, or in this case smokes and cakes!
Let's say good by to Wee Willy and all who think cigarettes and cakes are the issues of the day!!!
If you haven't figured out this city is in trouble you don't belong on office!!!
Next Lazy Cakes or Lazy Leaders!
P.S. Hope you like the new look, it's a new day so we started fresh.
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